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- Fiction (345)
- Action & Adventure (101)
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Publication Date
- A Cal Leandros Novel (6)
- Age of X (2)
- Alex Craft (4)
- An Allie Beckstrom Novel (6)
- Assistant to the Villain (3)
- Avalon (3)
- Caedmon Aisquith (3)
- Dark Star Trilogy (2)
- Discworld Novels (33)
- Dragonlance Destinies (1)
- Elemental Emergence (1)
- Empire of Salt (3)
- Eve of Man Trilogy (2)
- Fargo Adventures (1)
- Fate & Flame (3)
- Gods Beyond the Skies (1)
- Heart Hassle (5)
- I Am Number Four: The Lost Files (14)
- Iron Seas (1)
- Isaac Bell (1)
- Kingdom of Lies (4)
- Lorien Legacies Reborn (2)
- Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know Trilogy (1)
- Malice Duology Series (2)
- Penguin Essentials (1)
- Penguin Modern Classics (1)
- Penguin Worlds (1)
- Plated Prisoner (4)
- Shadows & Crowns (5)
- Star Wars (1)
- Star Wars: The High Republic (5)
- Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy (2)
- The Ballad of Sir Benfro (5)
- The Bridge Kingdom (4)
- The Dragon Books (3)
- The Farm (3)
- The Glass Books Series (3)
- The House Witch (4)
- The Left Hand of God (3)
- The Lorien Legacies (7)
- The Malazan Book Of The Fallen (1)
- The Stranger Times (4)
- Thrawn Ascendancy (1)
- Tomorrow's Ancestors (1)
- Warlord Chronicles (3)
- Weird Fiction (5)