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We received over 2,300 applications to WriteNow this year, with less than 40 spaces available on the longlist. While we can’t give individual feedback to everybody, our assessors have shared the below reflections.
Spend time on your synopsis
With space for only a 1,000-word writing extract, your synopsis is the place to tell us what the rest of your book is about and show off what makes your book unique. We were impressed with the quality and standard of the submissions this year, but the ones that stood out were those that used their synopsis to share a distinctive idea – something original, or a fresh take on a common trope – that made us excited to read on.
Choose your extract carefully
We were on the lookout for great writing matched with a strong pitch containing a clear and concise explanation of what the book was about.
Your extract and synopsis are linked, so make sure the extract you choose fits clearly with the themes and plot mentioned in your synopsis. While an extract taken from the middle of the book can work, it can also leave us confused as to who your characters are and what they want. Likewise, if your extract was a prologue that didn’t feature any of your main characters, it can be hard to get a sense of what the rest of the book will feel like.
Start and end strong
We read a lot of submissions, so it helps to make an immediate impression. A lot of the most memorable extracts had a killer first line or gripping opening paragraph that caught our attention straight away.
Similarly, think about where your extract ends. It’s often better to submit a little under 1,000 words and finish on a strong note, rather than using the full word count but stopping mid-paragraph.
Edit, edit again, then edit some more
Keep refining – it’s almost impossible to write something perfect on the first go, so don’t despair. Look back over your work, read it aloud to yourself and don’t be afraid to make changes.
It’s always useful to have fresh eyes on your work, so share with friends or family for feedback or join a writing group that can provide a more objective point of view.
Keep going
We received a huge number of submissions and had to make some really hard decisions when longlisting. There were many strong and interesting applications that didn’t quite make it, but that is not a reason to give up. Keep writing, keep honing your story and keep pitching.
To help you on your writing journey we’ve put together a guide to navigating the publishing process. You can also get more information straight to your inbox by signing up to our Getting Published newsletter here.