John Beattie
Praise for The Breath Of Angels
One of the most incredible true stories it has ever been my privilege to read . . . a fantastic book
Pat Kenny, Kenny Live, RTE television
A man inspired to take to the sea by a book he read as a child has produced a sequel which will inspire future generations of sailors. And anyone else who has ever harboured a dream
The Northern Echo
. . . his humour is infectious and he is well able to tell a story
The Irish Times
One of the most incredible true stories it has ever been my privilege to read . . . a fantastic book
Pat Kenny, Kenny Live, RTE television
A man inspired to take to the sea by a book he read as a child has produced a sequel which will inspire future generations of sailors. And anyone else who has ever harboured a dream
The Northern Echo
. . . his humour is infectious and he is well able to tell a story
The Irish Times
One of the most incredible true stories it has ever been my privilege to read . . . a fantastic book
Pat Kenny, Kenny Live, RTE television
A man inspired to take to the sea by a book he read as a child has produced a sequel which will inspire future generations of sailors. And anyone else who has ever harboured a dream
The Northern Echo
. . . his humour is infectious and he is well able to tell a story
The Irish Times