Perfect Quality

:All You Need to Get it Right First Time

The need for quality has never been greater. Advertising, corporate image, mission statements and league tables all place emphasis on quality. But there are numerous different approaches to quality, and many gurus show the way. Total Quality Management, SPC, QED, Zero Defects, Right First Theme, Katzen and ISO 9000 all address quality and any of these approaches can contribute towards it. It is generally accepted that for quality to be achieved everyone in the organization, from boardroom to shop floor, from council chamber to traffic warden, has to understand what quality means, be committed to it and be prepared to be involved in attaining it.

Perfect Quality explores the meaning of quality for all organizations and provides practical guidance on how it can be achieved. It cuts through the jargon and philosophies and answers the Who, What, Why, When and How of quality.

-What is Quality?
-Why is Quality vital to survival?
-Who is responsible for Quality?
-How is Quality achieved?
-When is Quality achieved?

Dr Bryn Owen is an international quality expert and Executive of optimum Systems for Quality Ltd.

About Bryn Owen

  • Imprint: Cornerstone Digital
  • ISBN: 9781448108251
  • Length: 112 pages
  • Price: £4.99