The Emperor's New Drugs Brain Shot

Everyone knows that antidepressant drugs are miracles of modern medicine. Professor Irving Kirsch knew this as well as anyone. But, as he discovered during his research, there is a problem with what everyone knows about antidepressant drugs. It isn't true.

This is not a book about alternative medicine and its outlandish claims. This is a book about fantasy and wishful thinking in the heart of clinical medicine, about the seductions of myth, and the final stubbornness of facts.

BRAIN SHOTS: The Byte-sized exposé of the pharmaceutical industry
A beautifully written, profoundly important book that is sure to shake up the psychiatric establishment and pharmaceutical industry.
David D. Burns M.D., author of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

About Irving Kirsch

  • Imprint: Vintage Digital
  • ISBN: 9781407073637
  • Length: 25 pages
  • Price: £4.49