Reading lists

Books to read if you love The Bear

From page-turning tales of professional kitchens, to heartfelt novels about family, here are the best books that remind us of the hit TV series.

Rachel Deeley

It's frenetic, intense, uplifting, funny, and gut-wrenching – sometimes all in the space of a few minutes. Hit TV show The Bear has scooped multiple awards and captured the hearts of countless avid fans, and it's easy to see why.

With Season 3 coming to Disney+ in the UK on 27th June, we've rounded up some of the best books that give us The Bear vibes – from tell-all kitchen memoirs, to tantalising fiction about food, dysfunctional family dynamics, and the streets of Chicago.

(Note: this article contains mild spoilers for Seasons 1 and 2 of The Bear, so you may wish to finish watching all episodes before checking out our recommendations. Can I get a "YES, CHEF"?)