On this page you will find links to six free guided meditations to support your reading of Jack Kornfield’s book Meditation for Beginners.
These guided meditations were recorded at actual meditation retreats and are designed to give you a direct experience of the material presented in the book.
Using these meditations you will discover how easy it is to use your breath, physical sensations – and even difficult emotions – to create tranquility and loving kindness in your everyday life.
Pick one of the following meditations that appeals to you and practise it. Meditation takes discipline, just like learning to play the piano. Work with it every day, and work with a teacher if you can, or find circumstances where you can sit together with other people. In the process of practising regularly, you will begin to develop your capacity to open to the present moment. You will begin to develop patience and compassion when you sit regularly and will open to everything that is here.
Follow the links below to listen.